Business Trends of 2017

Ottawa-landlord-rent-increase-guideline-2017Today we will be breaking down the following four Key Business Trends of 2017:

  • Smart Machines
  • Personalization
  • Prosumer Tourism
  • Consumer Sharing



Smart machines are devices that can teach themselves how to do things. This functionality is sometimes called “machine learning,” and is a subset of artificial intelligence.

Example: Interactive Billboard

To promote its haircare products in a mind-blowing way, Swedish company Apotek enlisted the help of ad agency Akestam Holst and production company Stopp to create an interactive digital billboardin the Stockholm subway. The billboard was rigged with sensors that detected when a train was coming and as the wind blew the passengers standing on the platform, it also blew the hair of the woman in the ad poster, with her locks sweeping around in front of her face. Here is a link to a video of this particular billboard:



Personalization is a technique that is used to somehow personalize a specific product or campaign to target the customers directly. Making them feel a special connection to the said product.

Example: Share a Coke Campaign

The company’s “Share a Coke” 2015 summer campaign was one of the best-performing marketing campaigns in Coca-Cola’s history. This marketing strategy traded out the company’s iconic logo on 20-ounce bottles for 250 of the country’s most popular names. Essentially, consumers had the chance to have a generic name, such as “David,” printed on Coca-Cola bottles and were encouraged to share those bottles with friends and family.



Influencers infiltrate the travel and tourism space. Implications – Social media influencers are a recognized source of expert information in various industries, with the travel and tourism space as the next frontier. Specifically targeted to younger Millennials — who statistically use travel advisors more than any other adult-aged group — these Prosumers serve as experts whose credibility is boosted by authenticity.


Example: Social Media Travel Guides

The Sherpa mobile app utilizes the popularity of social media platform Instagram by transforming the photos people take of different locations into a curated travel guide. The guides are depicted through a visual medium, showcasing the locations from the perspective of a locale or tourist.




Technology has reduced transaction costs, making sharing assets cheaper and easier than ever and therefore possible on a much larger scale. The big change is the availability of more data about people and things. This allows physical assets to be consumed as services. Before the internet, renting a product from someone else was possible, but was usually more trouble than it was worth.


Example: Airbnb

Gives consumers the opportunity to choose their rooms and pay for everything online. Their beds were provided by private individuals, rather than a hotel chain. Hosts and guests were matched up by Airbnb, a firm based in San Francisco. Since its launch in 2008 more than 4m people have used it—2.5m of them in 2012 alone. It is the most prominent example of a huge new “sharing economy”, in which people rent beds, cars, boats and other assets directly from each other, co-ordinated via the internet.



Assignment 1.. Continued


As discussed per our in class presentation from assignment 1, here are a list of the different segments of tutoring:

  • One-on-One Tutoring Sessions: When a tutor sits down with one person and assists them and educates them in their specific subject of choice. These sessions can be either completed at home, in an actual business location, after school with your teacher, with a fellow student..etc.
    • For Example: Avalon Tutoring, Academy for Mathematics and English
  • Online Tutoring: Receiving help through online services from a top level university student or a professor. This gives the student the ability to enjoy the comfort of the service from home without having the face to face confrontation.
  • Tutoring Apps: The live online tutoring app by Varsity Tutors for iPhone and iPad helps you get tutoring whenever and wherever you need it with thoroughly qualified tutors. This tutoring app allows students and tutors to participate in video tutoring, manage their accounts, send and receive messages, and manage appointments.
    • For Example: Varsity Tutors, Mobile Learning & Study App, Wyzant
  • The last discussed option of tutoring could be just putting in the extra work by yourself, before seeking help from someone else. Putting in the extra time, focus and work are usually proven to benefit the education of students and learners.

MR 2450 Assignment 1


This will be a summarized blog post of the key insights I have discovered from completing the first Service Marketing Assignment for the Fall Semester of 2017.


For this assignment we were instructed to choose a service based operation and complete the following tasks:

  • Create a brief overview of your selected business. Try to identify the Buying Category which they’re presently operating within.
  • Using the Process Perspective (four categories), identify which categories your operation fits. (There can be more than one)
  • Analyze your operation using the “Expanded Services Marketing Mix” – The 7 P’s
  • Using a Positioning Map/Matrix, create both an X-Axis and Y-Axis, plot your operation and plot at least four competitors. What insight can you draw from this positioning map/matrix?


The service based operation I have chosen to complete this assignment, is the service of tutoring. Without re-posting my entire report, I have listed the key insights I have discovered while completing this assignment.


  • Tutoring can be defined as helping students improve their learning strategies in order to promote independence and empowerment. The purpose of tutoring is to help students help themselves, assisting them to become independent learners and thus no longer needing a tutor.
  • The Buying Category in which tutoring presently operates in is the Extensive Decision Making category. This category involves complex high involvement, unfamiliar, expensive and/or infrequently bought products/services.
  • The process perspective category in which the tutoring operation fits in would be the mental stimulus processing category. Mental stimulus processing refers to services directed to a person’s mind. They have the power to shape attitudes and influence people’s behavior.
  • The 7 P’s help companies to review and define key issues that affect the marketing of its products and services. The first point is the product and elements. This would include the educating service that the tutor provides to the student/customer.
  • The second P is known as the place and time. The place and time that the service will take place are generally discussed and determined between the tutor and the student/customer.
  • The third P is the price and other user outlays. The price of the tutoring session is often determined by the length of the session, and the type of education that is being taught during the session.
  • The fourth point of the expanded services marketing mix is promotion and education. Since a service offering can be easily replicated, promotion becomes crucial in differentiating a service offering in the mind of the consumer.
  • The process of the tutoring service is quite simple. The customers are highly involved in this process as the number of sessions and business they require depends on how they adapt to the teaching from the tutor and if they will need to continue to come back.
  • The Physical Environment of a tutoring business, which is the sixth “P”, is very important. The area should be clean, bright, spacious and welcoming. Creating this environment is very important as it encourages interaction between the two and creates a comfortable atmosphere for learning.
  • The last point of the expanded services marketing mix is the people. The interactions between customers and the tutor strongly influence customer perceptions of the service quality.



From the requested positioning map/matrix, a number of things can be determined with regards to the service of tutoring. Whether you struggle with a specific educational subject, or you would simply like to increase your own abilities as an instructor, there are many alternatives to help you overcome educational difficulties and therefore reaching your full potential. Before putting money towards a tutor, you can certainly research the many available resources or even see if you can maximize your education at home. Some of the additional services include, online tutoring, tutoring apps for your smart phone or tablet, after-school tutoring with an instructor, or making the effort to put in the extra time and work on your education at home.


Gillian Noseworthy

September. 23, 2017